Eye-popping Archive-Quality Paper Prints

Prints are produced when you order them, on an acid-free 100% cotton rag paper with a lightly textured, bright white surface. Images are printed in the full ordered size, with an additional proportionate border for my handwritten signature and date, and convenience in framing.

Archival pigments are used in an advanced digital printing process that ensures fidelity to the colors and qualities you see onscreen here. All prints are personally inspected by me. The emphasis is on highest quality, not speed.

Prices for metal prints will be quoted upon request.

Please contact me for any further information.

Personal Fulfillment and Shipping

Prints you purchase from me are carefully, lovingly packed and shipped by me. No fulfillment house or faceless warehouse crew. I generally use a sturdy mailing tube, with sheets of glacé paper protecting your.print from chafing. Then, it’s wrapped in plastid to avoid water damage. Your print is guaranteed to arrive in perfect condition or I’ll replace it at no charge.

Although my site’s shopping cart is currently set up for automated, flat-rate shipping only to the continental US, I’m happy to ship anywhere upon request. Simply contact me at your convenience with your name and address, plus the title(s) of the piece or pieces you’d like to purchase, and I’ll respond with a firm shipping quote ASAP. Additional payment can be made through Venmo or Paypal.

Customer-Friendly Returns

In the event you receive your purchase and find it unsatisfactory for any reason, I’ll be happy to replace it with the same item or a different one of the same price.

If your product was damaged in shipment, I’ll pay for a new replacement and shipping to you.

If your product Is not what you expected or you’ve changed your mind, I’ll ask you to return it at your own expense, and when I receive it, I’ll issue a full refund (minus shipping) or apply the full purchase price, including shipping, to an alternate item of your choice.

Please contact me for further information.